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Sunday, August 8, 2010

The nudité of Quantum mechanics!

Many time while conversing i faced the question " Why quantum Mechanics ?" And you can expect - when you start with " Einsteins quantum physics or Heissenberg's language" the worst bang you going to get from your buddies or your loving friends. So the best thing is to try them in their own word.My best freind told me once a drunker never appreciates the taste of milk. So i have tried to write in this blog to write about some of the coining facts of quantum mechanics in a drunker's language so that it is understandable by all drunkers ..Cheers !

Today i tried this principle and it really worked out nicely . So i thought let me share this with my buddies in this blog in the language of a common man and enjoy them with the fun of real quantum mechanics !

But the instances drawn are purely theoretical and all are linked with fantasies which are of my own and doesnt have any scientific connection . The instances drawn are nor to distort the theory in any sense but it is just to simplify for a better understandibility and to raise the curiosity among the reader the real beauty of quantum mechanics.This blog dont serves a text book , and its mathematical interpretation are not given here. This blog will serve the real purpose if after reading this any of the reader picks up a quantum mechanics book and try to go through it . Any questions which arises to a reader going through this blog can be posted , and with proper consultancy and discussion will be replied back to the questiony.

So to get your thirst i try it in another way .Let me ask you some fundamental question of life, which everyone of you have been asking every second of to yourself.

Suppose you get to live a life where you share your time with two beautiful girls ( of opposite gender as the case may be at the same time ). How good you going to face this kind of situation ? When you find two girls opening their heart at the same time for you. Definitely you going to see yourself on the top of the world. And if the number increases from two to three or four in arithmetic progression , your share of happiness of happiness increases in geometric progression with the number of girls increasing. Now i request everyone of you not to be hypocrite and pull sentences like loyality or commitment stuffs, to show your genuinity.

My next question to you all guys is - how do you feel when you find the time if you are given an oppurtunity to be present at home where at the same time you are present in your office. When you share the best time at your home , playing with the nylon hairs of your wife and at the same time get the hardest time being treated as sluts by your office colleagues. Atleast you can make yourself comfortable by equaling the harshness time of yours at office with the beautifull moments you spend at your home with your wife , if she is nice to you.

So how do you solve this .. can you be present in both the places at the same time ?

With two or three girls at the same time , or may be attending you wife and putting your attendance in the office same time?

Is it possible in this lively universe -- i say yes ?

Now every curious guy will tell me .. i will give you 100 dollars just let me know the F__ principle, through which banging is so easy.

Hold on ! In gods country you dont get a damn disease without paying for it and you are expecting the most beautifull moment of your life, You need to pay buddy !

This is where quantum mechanics comes into play . Just think yourself as a culmination of different particles having wave like porperties with discrete energy levels . You are requested to consider yourself as made up of building partciles which have properties as wave and partciles both. when you do this you are defined yourself by quanta and the sate of your existence is defined by a equation called Scrodingers wave equation. This equation if is mathemetically represented contains a term of real factor and a complex factor which you have studied in any +2 books with complex numbers ( Z=X+iY) . The only variation is here you are defined to your state through the energy of possessed by you with a differential form ( culmination of wave like particles ) The equataion that you are applying And when you apply the boundary conditions of the rules of your physical existence you get soemthing which is called a solution of your existence. It means the real physical state of yours in totality. The real beauty of appling this principle to you , is when you solve the differential equation you get a situation where the probability of finding you at different locations ( avriation of x)with independency of time are same . This condition holds good provided you go in the subatomic scale ( by what you are defined by culmination of quantums) . As is shown in the figure Px which is the probability of finding at different location of x , is same at diffent locations.
Now how do you reduce yourself to the subatomic phase , which is some millionth times smaller than you ?

Guys once you do this you have conquered the world.. Try to fix yourself to the subatomic level and be a multi present human being!This is the only price you have to pay to enjoy all fun of life.

All sweethearts who are reading me and all darlings for whom am still pending in their list of reading , some more nudity of quantum mechanics will be brought to you.. in the consequent blogs.. till then Allah Hafiz... God Bless... Sabba Khair..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Religion Contradicting Science

The purpose in broader spectrum is not just to get about the "Ultimate Unity" or in most scientific terms the " first atom" where the evolution of existence began. But it will be just the begining of Science in ornamenting in real terms the definition of life. Religion that day will get a scientific deifnition and metphysics will collasce with physics to give greater momentum of thinking. The impulse will then rich its peak and then the effectiveness of science will lie only to filter the beliefs and superstitions from religion. The betterment will lie only when logical reasoning will be applied to freeze the filtration of superstitions. So proper authencity is what that will be the dmenading features for any any belief for its existence !The path will be difnitely tough and fictious to achieve. But the Almighty will grace with open hands to prove its existence and every effect attcahed with itself. and when that fictious day will come it will write an instant of scientific preface to metaphysical thinking! Hope the assumption made are lacks quiet methodical clarification and so forwarded to the readers !
May peace be upon HIM !

The coexistence of Science and Religion in my eyes :

In my life's journey I have been frequently asked by intellectuals when i come in their sphere of knowledge and life -- what is your name ? - i hardly took a fraction of second to reciprocate with an answer --- JHON PAUL . But in rare case do i have surpassed the next question " Are you a christian ?" And for the next answer i do have to take a deep pause of time at every occasion to make myself comfortable of giving an appropiate reply. I generally start with " NO i am a Hindu " . This personal experience have made to think what is the impulse that acts in human conscience after they ehars the name " JHON " from me , which makes them to think whether i am christian or hindu or muslim. Later when i gained some informative knowledge in life ( if i am a good judge of myself ) i named it as phononic curiosity. I call this as science and the reason is as simple as to understand any physical laws. This phononic curioisty is the the curiosity attached to every soul in understanding the sounds produced in their every sphere of life . For me the most correct definition of science is as given by Albert Einstein " A methodical thinking directed toward finding regulative connections between our sensual experiences " . Now the only reservation i got over here is the word " methodical" which is used metaphorically by sicentist in ages. As for me , any methodical or oriented thinking never comes from zero or null point. For me any physical law have got its existence from a natural event , which ultimately is given a logical form. In metaphysical terms we try to define that null point as the epicentre of every effect or ultimate. The most appropiate way to define it , is through the words of Swami Vivekananda - " All men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me " . The word " ME" itself is the greatest of the great metaphor distinguishing mteaphysics from physics . In physical terms the word " Me " come from the same atom though which this universe got into existence. Now an atom is undividable so its identity is unique or One. Now when we swtich to metaphysics the word "Me" may be the Infinite the Brahman where creation began to act . In the words of Swami - Science is nothing but finding of unity , or rather the single unity -The Advaita. As soon as science would reach that unity it would stop from further progress beacuse it would reach its goal. It would not be wrong to ocnclude that the appplication of sciece is to give the dimension to religion to define the reason of creation understandable and acceptable to living beings.