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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Religion Contradicting Science

The purpose in broader spectrum is not just to get about the "Ultimate Unity" or in most scientific terms the " first atom" where the evolution of existence began. But it will be just the begining of Science in ornamenting in real terms the definition of life. Religion that day will get a scientific deifnition and metphysics will collasce with physics to give greater momentum of thinking. The impulse will then rich its peak and then the effectiveness of science will lie only to filter the beliefs and superstitions from religion. The betterment will lie only when logical reasoning will be applied to freeze the filtration of superstitions. So proper authencity is what that will be the dmenading features for any any belief for its existence !The path will be difnitely tough and fictious to achieve. But the Almighty will grace with open hands to prove its existence and every effect attcahed with itself. and when that fictious day will come it will write an instant of scientific preface to metaphysical thinking! Hope the assumption made are lacks quiet methodical clarification and so forwarded to the readers !
May peace be upon HIM !

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