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Saturday, October 10, 2009

The coexistence of Science and Religion in my eyes :

In my life's journey I have been frequently asked by intellectuals when i come in their sphere of knowledge and life -- what is your name ? - i hardly took a fraction of second to reciprocate with an answer --- JHON PAUL . But in rare case do i have surpassed the next question " Are you a christian ?" And for the next answer i do have to take a deep pause of time at every occasion to make myself comfortable of giving an appropiate reply. I generally start with " NO i am a Hindu " . This personal experience have made to think what is the impulse that acts in human conscience after they ehars the name " JHON " from me , which makes them to think whether i am christian or hindu or muslim. Later when i gained some informative knowledge in life ( if i am a good judge of myself ) i named it as phononic curiosity. I call this as science and the reason is as simple as to understand any physical laws. This phononic curioisty is the the curiosity attached to every soul in understanding the sounds produced in their every sphere of life . For me the most correct definition of science is as given by Albert Einstein " A methodical thinking directed toward finding regulative connections between our sensual experiences " . Now the only reservation i got over here is the word " methodical" which is used metaphorically by sicentist in ages. As for me , any methodical or oriented thinking never comes from zero or null point. For me any physical law have got its existence from a natural event , which ultimately is given a logical form. In metaphysical terms we try to define that null point as the epicentre of every effect or ultimate. The most appropiate way to define it , is through the words of Swami Vivekananda - " All men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me " . The word " ME" itself is the greatest of the great metaphor distinguishing mteaphysics from physics . In physical terms the word " Me " come from the same atom though which this universe got into existence. Now an atom is undividable so its identity is unique or One. Now when we swtich to metaphysics the word "Me" may be the Infinite the Brahman where creation began to act . In the words of Swami - Science is nothing but finding of unity , or rather the single unity -The Advaita. As soon as science would reach that unity it would stop from further progress beacuse it would reach its goal. It would not be wrong to ocnclude that the appplication of sciece is to give the dimension to religion to define the reason of creation understandable and acceptable to living beings.

1 comment:

  1. Would like to get some analytical logic coming with your statements...nyways started loving it !
